About Unicodefor.com

Unicode characters are rendered differently by different fonts, different browsers, and different platforms. This website shall be of help to developers to use Unicodes into their Development Environment (C, C++, JavaScript, Python, etc.) with the help of code snippets. This website shall also help developers preview a Unicode Symbol with different CSS styles (Font-size, Font-family, Colors, etc.) in the user-chosen browser(s) on the user chosen platform(s).

Unicode Symbols have been grouped into custom sets that can help developers to search and help choose Unicodes for his use. Note that no specific special suggestion or attempt is made to influence the choice of the user. When more than one Unicode Symbols match grouping/ searching criteria the resultant Unicodes are shown alphabetically and/ or by code.

If you want to report any bugs, errors or want to make improvement suggestions please reachout to me via Contact Form.

Hope the developer community finds this website useful. If this website has helped you, please feel free to share with others.

Team unicodefor.com
