Why was this website created?

Different platforms, different Operating Systems, different browsers and different versions of each of them render Unicodes differently. Unicodefor.com should help developers see Unicodes in different colors, different fonts, different backgrounds, different CSS styles on target browsers and platforms BEFORE using them.
๐Ÿ’ก We highly recommend that you open this website on all your target browsers and check if the Unicode does look as expected or is acceptable.
It is important to keep in mind following considerations when dealing with Unicode characters and browser support.

Unicode text styles

How will the Unicode character look in different text styles like Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Uppercase, Lowercase, Oblique, shadows, etc..

Text style
Works! might not work!
Italic Works! might not work!
Underline Works! might not work!
Strikethrough Works! might not work!
q q
Works! might not work!
LowerCase Works! might not work!
Oblique Works! might not work!
Shadow Works! might not work!
Note ๐Ÿ’ก: Some CSS style classes wonโ€™t work with some Unicode characters.

Unicode font family

How will the Unicode character look in different fonts?

Font family
Times New Roman
Courier New
Trebuchet MS
Brush Script MT
Note ๐Ÿ’ก: Unicode characters will be rendered differently (offset, color, shapes, etc.) in different fonts.

Unicode font size

How will the Unicode character look in different font sizes?

We're examining the Globe With Meridians Unicode at font sizes 15px, 18px, and 21px, but the Longitude and Latitudes are not clear.
When using font sizes of 24px, 27px, 30px, and 33px, the Longitude and Latitudes on the Globe With Meridians Unicode become somewhat visible, although not entirely clear.
In the provided instances showcasing various font sizes such as 36px, 42px, 48px, 54px, and 60px, as well as in subsequent font size variations, the longitude and latitudes are clearly and completely visible
Note ๐Ÿ’ก: Some Unicode characters will scale differently than others for different font sizes.

Unicode fore color

How will the Unicode character look in different colors?

Fore color
As we can see in the above examples of different fore colors as White, Brown, Maroon, Magneta, Red are applied to our Unicode "World Map" and the unicode takes the fore color as expected
As we can see in the above examples of different fore colors as Orange, Yellow, Green, Teal, Cyan are applied to our Unicode "Smiling Face With Open Mouth" and the unicode does not takes the fore color as expected
Note ๐Ÿ’ก: Some Unicode characters will look the same and not take fore color.

Unicode background color

How will the Unicode character look in different background colors?

Back color
Note ๐Ÿ’ก: Some Unicode characters might not look as anticipated under different background colors.

Basic Unicode support and font availability

Finally, browsers might simply not support the said Unicode character. Also, the ability of a browser to display Unicode characters correctly depends on the fonts available on the user's system. If a specific character is not supported by the font being used, it might appear as a placeholder or a generic "missing character" symbol.

Why was Unicode created?

Unicode was created to address the limitations of earlier character encoding standards, which were often specific to certain languages or regions. Unicode aims to provide a unified system for encoding characters across different languages and scripts, promoting interoperability and international communication.

How does Unicode work?

Unicode uses a system of assigning unique code points to each character. These code points are represented in hexadecimal notation. Unicode supports a vast number of characters, allowing it to accommodate characters from various writing systems, historical scripts, symbols, emojis, and more.
๐Ÿ’ก We highly recommend that you use this website and open the required set of Unicode Characters on all your target browsers and check if the Unicode does look as expected or is acceptable. It will help you check the basics like Size, Text Style, Font family, Fore color, Back color, etc.

Can Unicode characters be used in programming languages?

Yes, programming languages often support Unicode characters for variable names, comments, and strings. However, it's important to ensure that the programming environment and tools used also support Unicode. We have provided code examples for popular languages like C/ C++, that will help you get started.

What checks should one do before using Unicode Characters?

Unicode Browser Support: Web browser support for Unicode characters is crucial for ensuring that your web content is displayed correctly across different devices and platforms. Test your website on various browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and platforms (desktop, mobile) to identify any rendering inconsistencies or issues.
Encoding: Use the appropriate character encoding for your content. UTF-8 is the most commonly used Unicode transformation format and is widely supported. Ensure that your files, databases, and server configurations use UTF-8 encoding to correctly handle Unicode characters.
Font Compatibility: Choose fonts that support the range of Unicode characters you intend to use. Some fonts may not include all characters, leading to improper rendering or the display of placeholder characters. Test your chosen font to confirm proper display of the characters you plan to use.
Unicode Version: Unicode is periodically updated with new characters and features. Ensure that you're using a Unicode version that supports the characters you need. The Unicode Consortium's website provides information about the latest Unicode version and character additions.
Handling Combining Characters: Some Unicode characters, called combining characters, modify the appearance of preceding characters. Make sure your application can correctly handle and display combining characters in conjunction with base characters.
Accessibility: Ensure that your use of Unicode characters doesn't negatively impact accessibility. Screen readers and other assistive technologies should correctly interpret and present the content to users with disabilities.
Performance Considerations: Keep in mind that rendering complex scripts or large amounts of text may impact performance, especially on low-powered devices. Test for performance issues when using extensive Unicode content.
